Bursaries - Scholarships - Awards


The NBCC Foundation Inc. offers bursaries, scholarships and awards to students attending the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC), the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD) and the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB).


Deadline (per Bursary Program)

Fall Bursary Program:

Applicants must submit a single duly completed online application from September 5 and no later than October 4. All students starting their post-secondary program during the ongoing college year are eligible to apply. Please note that the link to the application form will only be live between the above-mentioned dates. 


Winter Bursary Program:

Applicants must submit a single duly completed application form from March 15 and no later than April 15. Students starting their post-secondary program in January, February, March or April are eligible to apply.




Frequently asked questions:

Q: Is a permanent resident eligible to apply?

A: Yes, a permanent resident is eligible if he or she possesses an equivalency of a New Brunswick high school diploma. 


Q: Is a Canadian citizen from a different territory or province than New Brunswick eligible?

A: Yes, a Canadian citizen from a different territory or province is eligible. 


Q: Can international students apply for these scholarships or bursaries?

A: Yes, international students are eligible.


Q: How to fill the application form without my social insurance number?

A: Although requested by the Canadian Revenue Agency, if you have not yet received your social insurance number, you can use (9) zero to fill that box on the form.


Selection Process:


Submission deadline:

April 15

Submission deadline:

October 4

Students shall submit their application.

Note: Applications received after each deadline will not be considered.

Students are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on their application.

Erroneous information or misrepresentation may result in disqualification from the bursary program and cancellation of any awarded bursaries.


between May and June


between November and December

Period where the Foundation Selection Committee reviews the applications for final selection, per the Operational Rules.

Notification to colleges/students:


Notification to colleges/students: 


The program associate will notify the college representative with the names of the recipients.

The college representative will then notify the student of the award.

Note: Only the recipients will be notified.

Bursary disbursement:

January/February - Fall and Winter enrollee
May/June - Spring enrollee

*Issuance may vary based on the starting date of the student's program.

Issuance of cheques:

January/February - Fall and Winter enrollee
May/June - Spring enrollee

*Issuance may vary based on the starting date of the student's program.

CCNB Students 

Student Guide
Disbursement policy

NBCC Students

Student Guide
Disbursement policy

NBCCD Students 

Student Guide
Disbursement policy


Issuance of T4A:

Next February

*All T4As are issued once a year, every year, to all bursary recipients.

*They are issued in February of the next calendar year.
Example: If you received a bursary January 30, 2021, you will receive your T4A in February 2022. 

Notice that they have been sent will be posted on the right-side message board of this website.

*Please note that starting in 2023, all Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB) students will receive there T4A via their college student account.

All NBCC students, unless requested otherwise, will receive their T4A via their 'on file' email. To request otherwise, please include your student ID in your request to NBCCFoundation@ccnb.ca

All New Brunswick college of Craft & Design (NBCCD) students, unless requested otherwise, will receive their T4A via their 'on file' mailing address. To request otherwise, please include your student ID in your request to NBCCFoundation@ccnb.ca



In case of any technical difficulty, please email the date and time of the issue along with a screen capture, if pertinent, including the address bar of the browser window. Add a brief description of the issue. You should receive a response in no more then 48 hours. NBCCFoundation@ccnb.ca



last update 2024/09/06