Roger Doucet (2019)

2019 Roger Doucet


Roger Doucet was appointed Acting CEO of the CCNB April 8, 2019 until end of August 2019.

Mr. Doucet has extensive experience in the field of education. He was Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Minister at the Department of Education and Post-secondary Education for a dozen years. He has also worked within the Francophonie as Deputy Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs, he was Director of Educational Design at TeleEducation NB at the Department of Advanced Education and Labour, Director of Continuing Education at Université de Moncton, Shippagan campus and research and development officer at the Université de Moncton.

NB Public Colleges Entrance Scholarship (F-0156)

Thank you for your application.


Bourse de recrutement du CCNB (F-0280-81)



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