Tany Ndopedro (2016-2020)

Tany Ndopedro


Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo; at the young age of 8 years old, she left with her father for France. Married and a mother of 4 children, her family moved to Canada in January 2013.

In June 2016, a graduate of “Techniques d’intervention en services communautaires”, she then finds a job at the Restigouche Hospital Centre.

While a student at CCNB, Campbellton, Tany was involved in the Student Association. She is dynamic, motivated and demonstrates a positive attitude that is contagious. She focused specifically on newcomers to the campus who appreciated that valuable support. She also accepted the Chairmanship of the “Association des intervenants communautaire”. Furthermore, Tany intends to continue her post-secondary education by registering at the Laurentian University in Social Work. She has been involved in various committees during her studies and she personally found it a great honor to be a member of the Foundation team.